Patreon ➤ Courses ➤ Website ➤ Merch ➤ Understanding and implementing a Hash Table (in C). //. What is a hash table, and how do I implement one? Hash tables are a fundamental data structure that all student programmers need to have in their toolbox. This video describes the basics of hash tables, why they're useful, and how you implement them in C. Related Videos: Linked lists: Doubly-linked lists: Modulus operator: [Affiliate Link] I use Kite, a free AI coding assistant, that provides better code completions. Welcome! I post videos that help you learn to program and become a more confident software developer. I cover beginner-to-advanced systems topics ranging from network programming, threads, processes, operating systems, embedded systems and others. My goal is to help you get under-the-hood and better understand how computers work and how you can use them to become stronger students and more capable professional developers. About me: I'm a computer scientist, electrical engineer, researcher, and teacher. I specialize in embedded systems, mobile computing, sensor networks, and the Internet of Things. I teach systems and networking courses at Clemson University, where I also lead the PERSIST research lab. More about me and what I do: To Support the Channel: + like, subscribe, spread the word + contribute via Patreon --- [] + rep the channel with nerdy merch --- [] Source code is also available to Patreon supporters. --- []